Home Remedies for Sinus Symptoms, Shortness of Breath, Nasal Discomfort, and Cough

The change in weather has increased the risk of diseases caused by cold, cough and other infections. Sinus is also a disorder that is bothering people a lot these days. Sinus pain can be really troublesome.

There are two types of sinus - mild and severe. Severe sinusitis requires antibiotics while mild sinusitis can be treated at home as well.

what causes sinus infection

Sinus infections are caused by dust allergies, chemicals or changes in the weather. This happens when your nasal passages become inflamed and infected. This can make it difficult for you to breathe, speak, sleep and even eat and drink.

Symptoms of Sinus

Some common symptoms include headache, facial tenderness, pain in the sinuses, ears, rash, fever, swollen face, sore throat, runny nose and cough. If you are facing any of the above symptoms, you should visit best ent hospital in jaipur

Avoiding Sinus

However, there are some remedies that can provide you instant relief. But first you should recognize that what can aggravate your sinuses, for example, fried foods, rice and spices, can aggravate your sinus symptoms.

Cold beverages can also be a problem with your sinuses. Consuming more vitamin A may provide a stronger immunity power against sinus infections

Sinus Home Remedies

Drink a Lot of Water

Keeping yourself hydrated protects you from dehydration. To get relief from sinus pain, more and more fluids should be consumed. The fluids help in thinning the mucus and thus relieve the nasal passages.

Take a Steam

The steam helps to open and clear the clogged nose. If you don't have a steamer, boil some water, take a towel and add some mint to the water for better relief. Steaming with mint water will give you relief from sinus pain and irritation.

Drink Soup

A hot cup of soup can help open up a blocked nose. You can choose any soup according to your taste. The steam and the healthy ingredients in the soup can help clear your sinuses.

Flush your Nasal Passages

This procedure is also called nasal nasal irrigation. In this procedure, you will have to blow out the nasal phlegm through your nasal passages. It helps by flushing away bacteria and viruses. This process can also provide relief from restlessness.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinus

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits and getting rid of sinus pain is one of them. Take some apple cider vinegar with hot water or tea to get relief from sinus pain

Nasal Spray

Nasal spray is extremely effective for treating sinus. For this, add some salt and baking powder to the water. You smell it or fill it in a spray bottle and put it in your nose. You can use this nasal spray two to three times a day

Hot Compress

Warm compresses are an effective way to relieve pain and pressure. For this, dip a towel in hot water. Now squeeze it lightly and place it on your nose and cheeks. You will feel a lot of relief from this.

Here we have told some home remedies if you do not get benefit from them, then you should go to the nearest ent surgeon in jaipur and get your treatment done by the ent specialist in jaipur.
