ENT means Ear, Nose, and Throat which is called a nose, ear, and throat in Hindi. ENT is a term used in the medical field. ENT is a branch of medicine and surgery in the field of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis of problems arising in the nose, ear, and throat. This branch of medicine is called ENT short.
ENT specialists or ENT doctors treat a variety of diseases related to the nose, ear, and throat of the human body. Below are shown some of the diseases that ENT doctors treat
ENT doctors treat the symptoms related to nose bleeds, allergy to name, nasal congestion, etc.
ENT specialist or doctor solves all kinds of diseases related to the throat like – throat cancer, thyroid, hoarseness, difficulty in speaking, difficulty in swallowing, etc.
In addition, ENT doctors diagnose problems with congenital abnormalities like cleft palate, deviated septum, drooping eyelids, and loss of smell.
If you also have problems related to ear nose throat then you can contact Jaipur ent hospital for better results.
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